Safety Programs
Central to our approach is a strong emphasis on Health and Safety, which provides the framework to embed a safety culture for our employees and supply chain partners to think safe, work safe and be safe throughout the organization.
Safety is a key, non-negotiable priority and we at UEMS, are committed to preventing work-related accidents, injuries and illnesses to our employees, and partners across the supply chain so that all of them can go home safely.
Our aim is to achieve “Goal Zero”, and a Health, Safety, Security & Environment (“HSSE”) Master Plan was put in place to optimise safety across our operations. This included the development of HSSE Management Information System with mobile application to empower each staff to report any unsafe work practices. This ensures our site leaders and HSSE team together follow up actively to ensure a safe work environment for operations.
Our focused approach on Health and Safety, has helped improve Safety performance scores across the organisation. “Zero Incident Program (ZIP)” encourages site teams to look out for each other, train staff on safety and practice innovative new ways to practice safety at work.